Sterling Heights Gym Helps Kids, Adults With Special Needs

Inclusively Fit is a 5,000 square-foot gym that really focuses on the physical AND psychological benefits of fitness.
The Macomb County gym welcomes families of all abilities with all kinds of needs . It’s run by Mark Ralko, who used to work at a school. He said that parents of special needs kids would often ask him to help their kids become part of the sports teams. He told Fox 2 that first, it was just a few kids, then it became five, then ten…and he realized there was a need for this program.
Seven years later, he opened his own gym. And it’s helped people like Danny, who has cerebral palsy and struggled just to walk through the door. Now, a little over a year later, he’s RUNNING!
Inclusively Fit has clients from the ages of 4 to 55. Not gonna lie, we’d LOVE to take our son, who’s high functioning on the autism spectrum, to this gym!
Read More: Sterling Heights Gym Helps Kids, Adults With Special Needs |