Inside the Inclusively Fit Gym

Inclusively Fit is located in Sterling Heights and the gym is 5,000 square feet. We wanted to show our viewers a virtual look at what this gym has to offer you.
Our first picture are the treadmills along the right-side wall of the gym. We use these mainly for cardio sessions and the trainers work with each client to monitor their cardio.
Next we have our obstacle course that is used mainly for developing balance and dexterity.
We also have fun as well with a basketball net setup to improve hand eye coordination and total body movement.
Some resistance training also takes place in the gym through ropes and bands and those are used to make sure that everyone develops muscular dexterity.
If you have an interest in touring the gym in person and learning more about Inclusively Fit, please call us at (586) 850-5004.